The Monroe Republican from Monroe, Nebraska (2024)

EXONERATE OIL 1 government can't recognize anything that It can't create, for that would he foolish. Aa the governor North Carolina, "cant make a duke, cant see one, you are therefor sing the doxolcgy before we git thar." "What's that light away off asked Habersham. The guide paused to examine, and the faint glow-, far down the vale seemed to perplex him. He. spoke to one or two other natives and they viewed-.

the light Diminutively, aa is their "Thet must ie on Ardmore's land," uld the leader finally. "It shoots out all sorts o' ways round and reckon thets wheh Raccoon creek cuts through." very likely." said Haber sham. Tve seen tbs plat of what Ardmore owns oh this aide the border at tbe courthouse, and I remember that theres a long -atrip In Mingo county that Is Ardsley land. Ardmore has bouses of one kind and another' scattered all. over the estate aid thou lights may be from one of them.

-You know tbe place, dont you?" Yes; Ive visited there," admitted Griswold. But we'd better give It a wide berth. Tbe whole estate Is simply infested with scarlet fever. They're quarantined." I guess that's a Joke," said Habersham. There's a big party on there now, and I have seen some of the guests in Turners within day or ---Within how many days? Griswold, bis heart sinking at the thought that Ardmore had lied to him to kcP him away from Ardsley from Ardmore's bouse! Tbe thought of It really hurt him now.

Come on!" called Habersham. Half the company rode ahead to gain the farther side of the' church; the remainder, including Griswold and Habersham, soon dismounted and tied their horses' out -of sight of the country road which they had latterly been following. We are In plenty of time," said Habersham, looking at his watch. The rest of the boys- ard closing In from the other side and they will be ready for Applewelght when be finishes his devotions. We'ye been studying tbs old man's habits and be baa a particular- place where be tlesTiis horse back of.

the church. It'a a little apart from the fence where most of the congregation hitch, and he chose It, no doubt, because' In case of a surprise he have plenty of room for maneuvering. Two men are going to lay for him, seize and gaf him and carry him Into the wood iaek'ef-iha church; and tilda "wyrr off across the state line to lock him The Chief Need. A pale, intellectuaHooklng chap, wearing eyeglasses and unshorn hair, visited Tom -Volk, the athletic Instructor, not long ago and asked quee-, tlons until the diplomatic athlete final-ly became weary. "If I take boxing and wrestling few sons from you.

will It require any pan tlcular application?" be asked. No," answered Volk, but a little arnica will come In Clovte land Leader. Illegal; It'a against the most sacred law of the laniTfor you to he. here at all; and, painful though it is to me, it la nevertheless lay duty to order you to leave the" United States at once, never to retnrn-ln Thct, if you ever appear in the United States I hereby order that yoii be banged by the neck until you be dead, One of Mr. Cookies nnrVwlU accompany yon to New York to-morrow and see to that you take passage on a steamer bound for a British port The crime of having insulted a woman will still hang over you until you am well east of Sandy and I advise you not to risk being tried on that charge In North aa my people are very impulsive' and and lynchlngs are not Infrequent In our midst You shall spend to-night In my- official caboose some distance from here, and your personal effects win be brought from where, you have said, you are a guest of Mr.

Thomas Ardmore, who Is officially unknown to me. The supreme court will now. adjourn." Cooke puUed the limp, bewildered duke to hla feet and. dragged him from the bungalow. As they stepped out on the veranda Collins rode up In alarm.

"I followed -this to a crossroad where It became a bridlepath and rubs off into the. forest There I lost all trace of tbe lady, "but herejs her riding-crop" Cooke, take your prisoner fp caboose; and come with me," commanded Ardmore; and a moment later he and the reporter rode off furiously in search of. Jerry Danser-fleld. CHAPTER XIII, Misa Dangerfleld Takes a Prisoner. A dosen men carrying rifles across their saddle-bows rode away from Habersham's farm on the outskirts of Turner Court House and struck a rough trail that led a devloumcourse over the their head ibde the guide of the expedition a Ion silent man on a- mule.

Griswold and Habersham followed immediately behind him on horseback. plans had been carefully arranged before oeen careiuuy arranged before they an occislonai brief Interchange be-tween tbe prosecuting attorney and the governors special representative, the party Jogged on in silence. Haber-sbams recruits were. It. may be said, fanners of tbe border, who had awaited for years Just such an opportunity aa now offered to avenge themselves upon the insolent Appleweigbte.

Nearly every man of the party had some private' score to' settle, but Jhey had all been sworn ns special constables and-were sobered by tha knowledge that the power of the state of South Carolina was back of Thus, at the very hour that Mr. Ardmore and his lieutenant rode away from the lonely anchorage of The Guide Pushed His Mule Forward at a Fast Walk. the caboose. Prof. Griswold and his cavalcade set out for Mount -Nebo church.

When the muter of Ardsley was revenging himself upon the duke of Ballywinkle, hla dearest friend, against whom ha had dosed the of house, no time in setting forth upon a mission which, if successful, Would seriously interfere with all Mr. Ardmore's' hopes and plana. Tha guide of tha expedition pushed hie mule forward at a teat walk, making no excuses to Griswold and Habersham for the roughneu of the trails he chose, nor troubling to give warning of sharp turns where a hone, being leu wise than a mule, tobogganed madly before finding a foothold. Occasionally a low hanging limb switched the associate protestor sharply acrou the face, hut his temper continued serene where th6 trail wu darkest and SERIAL IHY- EB THE LITTLE BROWNJUG 3ATI KILDARE HS by Tka Bobbs-MutlU Cbaipaar. Thomas Ardmore and' Henry Maine SntwdM stumble upon Intrigue when 4hn Cnrrann of North and.

South, Carolina are reported to have quarreled. Griswold alHew himself 'with JUrbara Osborne, Oaughtt-r of the governor of South Caro-a, while Ardmore eepouaea the cauee -Jerry Damo-Meld. daughter -of the of North Carolina. These two nr tulles nre trying to fill the' -shoes their fathers- while the lulti-r are miss-tag. Until states are Iq a turmoil over se Appiewniaht.

an outlaw with great politfcsl influence. Unaware of each other's imaition. both Griswold and Ardmore out to make the other prosecute Ap-viewetpht. Ardmore organises a Mg hunt. CrihmM also takes the flt-ld.

Frank Col Atlanta reporter. Is arrested' by Ard e. but'releaaed to become press agent young millionaire's expedition. CHAPTER XII. Continued.

"Prisoner, you I'm a guest at Ardsley and Im looking for a lad "That's a very unlikely atory. Col-Baa, help the gentleman down; and the reporter obeyed instructions with a Bioch that the noble gentle-bmb felt prone, and waa assisted to Ha feet with a line mockery of help-ftdocaa. "I tenjrsauLnj looking for a lady vrhoae horse ran away with her! Fm the duke of Ballywinkle and brother- If yoa-etop-me- "Y3one along, duke, and we'll what yon look like," said Cooke, lead-in the way to the bungalow veranda. Within Ardmore waa -lighting lamps. There was a lonfa room finished In Mack oak.

with a fireplace at one end, and a table In the center. The Boon were covered with handsome run and the walla were hung with photographs: and Ardmore st oa the back of a leather settee In ra pen assumed at the moment of the Bistata entrance. It waa a pose of en-tlrs nnsriralance, and Ardmore's cap, oa the hack of hie head, and 7 his brawn hair rumpled boyishly, aadded to the general effect of comfort Wnane. The duke blinked for a moment la the lamplight, then ha roared out Joy- "Ardy, old men!" and advanced toward his brother-in-law with out-' ntretched hand. "Keep him off; hes -Welle mad," said Ardmore, staring -wokllr.

and bending hie riding-crop cress his knees. "Collins, please aide on after the lady and bring her leek this way." finale bad seated the prisoner rath Todely in. a chair, and the noble 'dnlm, haring lost the power of speech Jta amassment and fright, rubbed his' wyes and then fastened them in-" credskmljr'en Ardmowj'TJut 1 there eras no question about It, he had been wefeed with violence; -he. hsd' been aepodiated by his owa brother-in-law the aseless, stupid Tommy Ardmore, -who, at best, had only a child's mind Per pirate stories and who waa Indubitably the moat negligible of negligible Bgnrefl In the drama of life as the Bake knew It -'Cooke," began addreas- la Mb lieutenant gravely from "hla perch on the what Is tho charge against this person "He says hes a duke," grinned Cooke; taking his cue from. Ardmore's manner.

"And be says he's visiting st Ardsley" "That." said Ardmore with decision, "In creditable only to the gentleman's aeasaatie -imagination. His fees la anythin hut dukely, and there's a red streak acmes It which. points clearly to the recent sharp blow of a weapon; no one would ever strike a duke. Vs utterly. Incredible," and Ardmore Bfled bis brows and leaned back with fids arms at length and his hands clasping the riding-crop, as he contemplated with supreme satisfaction the tell-tale red line serose the dukes cheek.

For Cog's sake, Ardy howled the duke. Ardmore drew from! his pocket Job neton's "American Politics'' with sa air of greatest seriousness! "Cooke," he said, half to himself as be turned tbr pagea, "do you remember Just what the -constitution says mboot dukes? Oh, yes; here we are! Now, Hr. Duke of Ballywinkle, listen to what tt says here In Section I of the Constitution of tbe United States, which reads exactly aa follows la this boob: No title of nobility shall he granted by tha United States: And no gwrarnt or trust under them, shall, without the -rwnmt of tbe-enrgreai, accept of any gireaeat, emolument, office, or title, of mnf fchul whatever, from any king, wince, or foreign And It says in Section 10 that 'No state shall grant suy title cf Now, Mr. Bally-wtaklr. It Is perfectly clear that this PUBLISHER OF HAMPTON'S MAGAZINE RETRACTS ACCUSATION V.

AGAINST STANDARD ARTICLE CAUSED LIBEL SUIT Hampton's and Moffett Cecpr Upon Investigation Oil Company Is Not Connected With Sale of Impure Candice. New York-In'the matter of the libel suits brought by the Standard Oil company tar (360,000 damages against Hamptons Magazine and tar (100,000 Gamagca against Cleveland Moffett, tha former tbe publisher, and the lab ter the writer, of an artlds lathe February issue of the magaslne which da-tamed the comrany in connection with he hale OTglucOie end candy in Philadelphia, tha tallowing retractions have been signed In the -office of Shearman tt Sterling, tbe Standard Oil companys lawyers la the case, and have been Issued from tbe com' panye at Nq, 26 Broadway: "Hamptons Magazine, CO West Thirty-filth New York, "Jan. 31, 1911. "Standard Oil Broadway, New, Ybrk. "Dear Sire: In tho February Issue of Hampton's Magazine there waa published an article written by me, entitled, Cassidy and the Food Poisoners in that article I referred, to tbe Investigation of Mr.

Cassidy, with respect to tha manufacture and sale of impure candles In Philadelphia, and made the statement that your company manufactured eng sold impure material which went into these candles and that, the various dealers were arrested and fined, at lbs instance of Mr. Cassidy, your company paltrthellhes Upon Investigation I have ascertained that your company was In ho way concerned with tbe transactions referred to and I hasten to retract in the fullest manner ail 'charges made against your company and to express my sincere regret that 1 should have fallen into this serious Yours truly, Cleveland Moffett. 1 Jan. Ii; 1911. "Standard Oil Company, New York City.

"Dear Sira: Referring to foregoing letter, of Cleveland Moffett to you, wa beg to state that wa are convinced that Mr. Moffett waa la error In hla atatamenta with reference to your company. 'We greatly regret that these errors should have been made. It la tha desire of Hampton's Magazine to be accurate and fair In--all things. In our Mareh number we will publish this letter and the foregoing letter of Mr.

Moffett Tour truly, BenJ. B. Hampton, President, roadway Magaslne, MUST TELL GRAFT STORY Danville Judge Orders Prosecutor to Anewer All Questions Put by Jury in Bribe Quiz. Danville, III. Judge Kimbrough la.

the circuit court banded -down a decision In the -case of City Attorney Jones, who declined to answer certain quest'ions regarding vota tolling and buying which the grand Jur put to Um. The court instructed Jones to answer all qdestlona. The opinion stated according to-a decision of the Supreme court of the Uhlted States, a -witness before the grand Jury la Immune rom -Indictment Tha court also held that tha city election law la unconstitutional, which means that Jones cannot be questioned about bate peninga more than eighteen months This meant that tha Investigation continue until all the witnesses now snmmoned -le bald that many Indictments have been voted, bat whether they' are tar vote tolling la not known. VOLCANO'S TOLL IS 700 Five Thousand Families In Philippines Have Been Wholly Ruined T--. By Disaster.

Wash! gton. Tbe eruption of Tsai volcano and the accompanying dla-turbaacaa la the Philippines killed 7 00 people In the town of according to the report of the govern oi of Baton gas province, which was cabled to the war department by Gov-amor General Forbes of the Philippine Islands. Tha earthquake ahocke continue, the governor general added. Five thousand families have been ruined by tbe disaster. Tbe Philippine authorities 'are face to face with tha absolute necessity ol adopting relief measures In order to avoid suffering, aa tha foiling "mud and lava destroyed the crops within a considerable radlue of tbe volcano.

DECIES HONEYMOON IN EGYP1 Vivian Gould, After Wedding to Ilsh Lord, Will Take Trip to Africa. New York. It la announcd that Lord and Lady Dades, tbe iattei new Miss Vivien Gould, who are to he married February 7, will spend their honeymoon In EgypL. They will leave America February II by tha Cunard liner Carmanla. In Egypt they, will spend a few days la Cairo and than (lilt notable points In upper Egypt UP TO ALFRED.

'She I know, Alfred, I have my foulti. He Oh, certainly She (angrily) Indeed? Perhaps foull tell me what they are! Granite of. the South. When one speaks of granite the mind.nsturslly reverts to Vermont. It le difficult to associate granite with any section of North America New England, yet It must now be acknowledged to the credit of tho sooth that Georgia, North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia are producing large quantities of atone of good quality which Insures the south a place in the mhrket at any rate.

The 'annua! output Is about (3,500,000 and tha growing. It bo of interest to know that New England's output la about (9,000,000 worth of stone annually. Constipation is sa avoidable misery take Garfield Tee, Natures Herb laxative. It sometimes happens that the black sheep of a family la a blonde. A xnod way to keep nil Is to take Curie Id tea (request ly.

It insures good health. All tbe world's a stage, and life le the grratfst on The very beet adviec: take Garfield Tsa whenever a Uxstirv ia needed Happiness grows at ott ova fire-aide and Is not to be picked Inst rangers' gardens. Douglas Jerfold. itB utaitmreoT-Rt the asUaepUs powder lo bo obskea Into tho ohneo. makes four foot foe) rwi sud cos-tenable and aaahes- walking a' Hold trury Where.

Me. KttmmnhrHmtn. Die free Hat) package, address JUIraM.OlwiiUad, I ttpy A Sad Face. He What a sweet, sad face she has. She (In a.

huff) Enough tp mske any one sad to' have such a face aa that' Many pwpk have rsooding gums. Rub Hamlins stand Oil on gums sad stop tbe decay; chans the disease germs with a mouth wash of a few drops to a spoonful of water. And In the Meanwhile. Lady Cast you find work? Tramp Teas uni; but every one Wants a reference from my last employer. Lady And can't you get one? No, mum.

You see, hes been dead twenty-eight years. Lim-don Punch Simplicity' of Expression. A story was told on Martin Lomse-ney at the Cape Cod commercial travelers' dinner, by Representative Pope of Leominster: "Lest torsion Lomasney Was seen talking to -someone In one of the corridors, and as I passed I heard these words: Shall I write himC -Xer-aald never write a thing when yon can(talk, and never talk when you can nod ypur bead. Boston Record. IfasyM's -GsU-Bemcdy Believes tbe heed, throat and hui slmoat Immedlstr-b.

Clarks Karen, stops i'iar Serges mt the wise, tmhes away ail wlw and pslsa rinsed -by -colds. It cures Grip and ob-stlsale Coughs sad preveuts I'DemnoaU. Writs Pmfc Msnypa. Mrd nod JsffOrsoe ItO Is Utt BMdlral sdvke th fnlwly ffMb 1 The Wretchedness of Constipation CsaqoicLIy ho btwcobo by CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS. hired i uk kse, sd IsiTigndios.

They App final ML IbsII Dose, Cast! Priest Gennind BBt hen Signature Readers adl ba. ndtuaaa all Ca.sNinteaMa.i sue Aw Bokira Dlamonii iZTZngftl Wrtls PATENTS tt tsipisvv iwisini touq, IBBIvMo Ml sUntwrsts. Co-ops mUve OsvrliiisBsat, Ansi i Isa wells Isdsnrtsl UollsgA nMiuunmnia oshmrssfsMiwad. Ibsitm- Ssml W.usl.L a do scythiafi hddB tlM( the prod not of a regularly graduated that its wskara date to up in Jail at Kildare and give Gov. Dangerfleld the shock of bis Ufa.

It sounds simple enough; but it wont be long before Applewelght'a friends miss him. must remember that they are a shrewd lot" Weve got to take our. chances. Let's hope we are as shrewd aa they are," replied Habersham. They moved softly 'through the wood and presently the taint sound at singing reached them.

"Old Rabdlck has finished hla sermon and well know tha wont In a few minutes." One of the party had already detached himself and crept forward toward tha chuch, to meet hla appointed comrade in tbe enterprise, who waa to come la from tha other alda. The clapboard church presented la tbe moonlight tha austereat and aa the man waited, a. rude though unseen band slamming tha wooden shutters that protected the Win- down from Impious violence. We could do with less moon," muttered Habersham, as ha and Griswold peered through tha trees into the churchyard. "There goes Bill Applewelght now" whispered, (me of tha natives at his elbow, and 'Griswold felt heartbeats quicken aa he watched a tall figure silhouetted against the church and BKWtBg'WHfOy lowiird the rear of the building, the front of tha church voices sounded, as tbe departing worshipers rodent drove slowly ewey.

Habersham laid his hand suddenly on Griswolds arm. They've got him! They've nailed him! "There! They're yanking him into the timber. They've takes him and bis horse!" Griswold saw nothing but a momefr tary confusion of shadows, then perfect alienee hung over the woods behind the little church. The congregation, was slowly dispersing, riding away in little groups. Suddenly a voice called out in the road 100 yards beyond the church: Hey, thereL Wheres Bill?" Oh, hes gone long ago! yelled another.

In moment more the church door slammed and a last figure rode rapidly away. (TO BK CONTINUED.) deeply in Jove with a beautiful young lady, the daughter of a neighboring knight Hia brother also sought the fair maidens hand and the two aultora had a violent quarrel. The upshot was that tbe count flung his hapless brother from the top of his castle wall high np the precipitous cliff. Repenting of nls awful deed, the count vowed ground. He did so, excavating the church Ini the rock; and tradition goes on to say a miraculous spring of clear water sprang from the crag sa a token that heaven was appeased.

This curious church 1a now tha ojily Protestant ppaee of worship la he town. Wide World Magaslnq. I7-. A Church In a Rock. In the quaint old German town of Oberstein an ancient church stands, built In tbe great rock rising from the river.

The front of the building is of stone, but the church Itself Is hollowed steepest, and he found himself Ignor-' of the rock and penetratea ar Into ing Habersham's occasional polite iu heart. Tradition says that In tha questions about the.universlty In his I fourteenth century the count of Ober-effort to summon np in memory cer- ctelh. bne of the old robber barons, fell Welcome Words to Women Worn who sufier with disorders peculiar to their sex should write to Ur. Fierce and receive face the -advioe ol physieiee of ever (0 years experience chilled end successful specialise ia the diseases cf women. Every letter of tins sort has the mpst careful coaeiderslioe end It retarded as suciudly confidential.

Maay sensitively modest women write tally to Dr. Pierce what they woidd ehriak from tame! to their local physleiea. The loesl physician tain ways of Barbara Osborne which baffled him. 1 "Check up, ealnt you?" snarled the man on tha mule, laying hold of Griswold's rein; and thus halted, Griswold found that they had been circling round a curiously symmetrical, thickly wooded hill, and had finally come to a clearing whence they were able to gase tar off toward the north. pretty sure to say that he cannot flame aaetleef these distasteful exsminatioae ere generally need ijJtMpLltJiit.

I the privacy of His Favorite Proscription has eared me of these the wo: of We are almost out of bounds," Iftl beJwpuld, build a -church -whre aKfiMam I kin kvAfhnr'fl Kaw Am ImmIiaA hn pointing. hia brothers body first touched the lbs Kereo's year ewe haediede It (he orirmedieiae of lie kind that physician. The only oM-good enough www wr Habersham, Over there somewhere, across the hills, lies North Carolina. I am as thoroughly lost as you can possibly be; but these men know, where they are. How tar Is it.

Billy fas addressed the silent guide to Mount Nebo?" About four mile, aind I reckon wed better let out a tattle now or tbeyH Lifted lent ee iu outside wrapper. Thorn's no secrecy. It will tioa. No alcohol and ee habit-forming draft are (bund in it. Some uascrup.

-Ipua medicine dealers may offer yea substitute. Dont take it. Doat time with year health. Write to Worlds Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.

V. Pinna, President, Buffs lo, Y.g take foe ngvice received and be wsQ. print its every tl.

The Monroe Republican from Monroe, Nebraska (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.