Skyrim; The Revolutionary Dragon Of Evolution - Chapter 3 - Zearph (2024)

Chapter Text

As Tatsumi, Esdeath, and Kurome walked down the snowy road, the stark landscape seemed to stretch endlessly before them. The air was crisp, the ground crunching beneath their feet. Tatsumi glanced at the Rongo Rongo, the map now fully formed. The road ahead was winding, but Tatsumi's attention was focused. "Riverwood," he muttered to himself, reading from the map. "It's the closest village. We should head there."

Esdeath, walking beside him, peered over his shoulder with interest. "Riverwood, you say? Sounds quaint. I trust it's a suitable location to gather information or resources?"

"Should be," Tatsumi replied, tucking the map back into his pack. "It's not too far off. We can rest there, get some supplies, and maybe get some intel on the dragon's whereabouts."

Kurome trailed a few steps behind, her eyes scanning the surroundings with a practiced vigilance. Though she seemed more focused on their environment, her curiosity was piqued by Esdeath's interest. "I suppose it would be a good place to get something to eat and rest," she said.

The road continued to wind through the snow-covered landscape, the village of Riverwood eventually coming into view. The sight of the small, cozy buildings nestled against the backdrop of trees provided a stark contrast to the harsh wilderness they had traversed.

Skyrim; The Revolutionary Dragon Of Evolution - Chapter 3 - Zearph (1)

As they approached the village, Esdeath surveyed the scene with a detached gaze before shrugging. "It's a nice place to rest," she said with a hint of indifference, "but it doesn't offer much else."

Kurome, glancing at Esdeath with a hint of impatience, added, "Can we hurry up and get to the inn? I'd rather not waste time."

Tatsumi, noting Kurome's less-than-stellar complexion, nodded in agreement. "Sure, let's see if we can find some shelter and get a meal."

As they made their way through the village, Tatsumi's sharp eyes landed on a familiar figure standing near the town's center. He recognized Hadvar, who seemed engaged in conversation with a burly blacksmith. Hoping to gather some useful information, Tatsumi approached and called out, "Hello, Hadvar."

Hadvar turned at the sound of his name, surprise and recognition flitting across his face. "Well, well, if it isn't the hero of Helgen. I didn't expect to see you here."

Tatsumi offered a casual smile. "What can I say? I'm tougher than I look." His smile faded into a more serious expression. "Did the townsfolk make it out okay?"

"Yeah," Hadvar replied, his relief palpable. "Miraculously, there were only two casualties. The townsfolk will soon begin rebuilding with the help of resources from the Empire."

"That's good to hear," Tatsumi said, a note of genuine relief in his voice. Kurome, following closely behind, raised an eyebrow but kept her thoughts to herself.

The blacksmith, a robust man with a weathered face, had been observing the exchange with a mix of curiosity and concern. He stepped forward and addressed Hadvar. "What's going on here? Only two deaths? And who are these people with you?"

Hadvar gestured toward Tatsumi and his companions. "This is Tatsumi. He's a friend who saved my life and many others. The others are his allies." He glanced at Tatsumi. "Let's go inside. I'll explain everything."

Alvor, setting down his tools, nodded. "Alright, come inside. Sigrid will prepare something for you all, and you can fill me in on the details."

They entered the warmth of Alvor's home, a welcome contrast to the chill outside. The interior exuded a cozy atmosphere. Tatsumi noticed a child of about ten years old playing with a wooden toy near the hearth and a woman with brown hair busy preparing food in the kitchen.

"Sigrid! We have guests!" Alvor called out, his voice filled with warmth.

Sigrid turned from her cooking, her face lighting up with a welcoming smile. "Hadvar! We've been so worried about you! Come on, all of you must be starving. Take a seat, and I'll get you something to eat."

Tatsumi leaned against the wall as Hadvar and Alvor took their seats at the table. Esdeath, with her usual air of command and casual elegance, stepped forward. "I'm Esdeath," she said smoothly. "And this is Kurome." She gestured to her companion.

Kurome, standing slightly behind Esdeath, remained silent, her eyes scanning the room with a mix of curiosity and wariness. She gave a subtle nod in acknowledgment.

Alvor raised an eyebrow at the introductions but nodded politely. "Welcome. Please, make yourselves comfortable."

"Thank you," Esdeath replied with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Kurome's gaze remained sharp, taking in every detail of the room.

Alvor turned his attention back to Hadvar. "So, what's the story? You look like you've had a rough time. And who are your friends?"

Hadvar's armor was indeed in tatters, and he looked worn. He turned his gaze to Tatsumi. "And who might your friends be?"

Tatsumi waved his hand dismissively. "I'm Tatsumi, a traveler and fellow blacksmith. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Hadvar rubbed his temples before continuing. "I don't know where to start. I was assigned to General Tullius's guard. We were in Helgen when we were attacked... by a dragon."

The mention of the dragon elicited gasps from Alvor and Sigrid. The child's eyes widened with excitement.

"A dragon?" Alvor said, his skepticism evident. "That's hard to believe. Are you sure you're not seeing things?"

"Husband, let him explain," Sigrid interjected, her tone urging him to listen.

Hadvar continued, "Not much more to tell. The dragon flew over and caused chaos. I don't think anyone would have survived if it weren't for Tatsumi. He single-handedly led the dragon away from the town, saving everyone."

The room fell silent as Alvor and Sigrid processed the gravity of the situation. "Now, I need to return to Solitude and report what's happened. I was hoping you could assist us," Hadvar requested.

"Of course! Any friend of Hadvar's is a friend of mine," Alvor said warmly. "I'm more than happy to help in any way I can."

Tatsumi seized the opportunity to make a request. "If it's not too much trouble, could I have a silver ingot?"

Alvor nodded. "Certainly. But may I ask what you need the silver ingot for?"

Tatsumi pulled out the dragon scale from his pocket and held it up. "I obtained this scale from a dragon. I need to craft an eye patch," he explained, pointing to his closed eye.

"A dragon scale..." Alvor said, awe evident in his voice as he examined the scale, "I've never seen such a high-quality material before. We can head to the forge and get you the silver you need." Tatsumi nodded gratefully.

"Thank you," Tatsumi expressed his gratitude as he and Alvor walked to the door leading outside to the forge. After a brief moment, Kurome and Esdeath followed them, their presence adding a weighty tension to the scene.

Outside, the crisp air carried the distant hum of the forge. Alvor handed Tatsumi a silver ingot, which he accepted with a nod. Tatsumi immediately set to work, his skilled hands deftly shaping the ingot into three small chains. As he worked, Kurome decided to find a quieter spot. She drifted towards a nearby river, the gentle murmur of the water providing a soothing backdrop to her thoughts.

Esdeath, meanwhile, remained near the forge, her gaze fixed on Tatsumi with a curious intensity. She observed him with a mixture of interest and something akin to jealousy.

"You're quite skilled with the forge, young man," Alvor praised Tatsumi, who looked down modestly.

"There was an old soldier in my village who taught me various skills to make a living. Smithing was one of the many skills he insisted I learn," Tatsumi shared, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips. "I even learned how to forge a chain to give as a gift to a girl," he added with a chuckle, his amusem*nt evident as he continued working on the chain.

Alvor chuckled, clearly enjoying the reminiscence. "Ah, sweet on a girl, just like how I learned to forge a ring. I made it to propose to Sigurd, but since it was my first attempt, it didn't turn out well," he said with a fond smile. "Even now, she won't let me reforge it," he added, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt.

Esdeath's eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face as she listened. "A gift for a girl, huh?" she remarked, her voice smooth but edged with an undercurrent of jealousy. "How sentimental. I suppose it's sweet that you're so eager to impress someone." Her gaze lingered on Tatsumi with a hint of possessiveness.

Tatsumi finished the chain and moved on to the scale. He used Incursio to cut it with precision, attaching the chain once he was done. Finally, he put on the perfectly fitting eye patch, a satisfied grin spreading across his face.

"Excellent work, young lad," Alvor complimented. Tatsumi shrugged, noting the strip of leather Alvor had left aside. "Do you have any use for that?" he inquired.

"No, I had initially planned to use it as a sword hilt, but it's too thick, and I don't want to risk damaging the leather by cutting it," the blacksmith explained.

"Can I have it then?" Tatsumi asked, causing Alvor to look slightly puzzled but ultimately agree.

"Sure," Alvor said. "Like I said, I'm glad to help. But I do need your help as well. The Jarl needs to know there's a dragon on the loose. Riverwood is defenseless. We need to get word to Jarl Balgruuf in Whiterun to send whatever soldiers he can. If you'll do that for me, I'll be in your debt."

Tatsumi nodded, taking the strip of leather with him. "I'll make sure the Jarl is informed, but it will be tomorrow" he promised, glancing at Kurome who appeared to be in some pain.

Alvor's face relaxed into a grateful smile. "Thank you. I wasn't expecting you to leave immediately. It's been a long day for all of us. You should get some rest before heading out."

As Tatsumi prepared to head toward Whiterun, Kurome appeared beside him, her expression calm but decisive. "We should head to the inn," she suggested, her tone neutral.

Esdeath, who had been observing, nodded in agreement. "Kurome's right. We could all use some rest. There's an inn here in Riverwood where we can stay the night." Her eyes lingered on Tatsumi with a hint of curiosity, her tone carrying an undercurrent of veiled possessiveness. "It's not as if we have urgent matters pressing us right away."

Tatsumi considered the suggestion, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on him. The prospect of rest was welcome. "Alright, heading to the inn sounds like a good idea," he agreed, grateful for the reprieve.

The three of them made their way to the Sleeping Giant Inn, a modest yet inviting establishment nestled in the heart of Riverwood. The inn's warm, golden light spilled out into the chilly night air, promising comfort and respite. As they entered, the crackling fire in the hearth offered a welcoming embrace, its warmth a stark contrast to the crispness of the evening outside.

They sat down at a table near the hearth, the warmth from the fire casting a gentle glow over their faces. The inn was bustling with the quiet hum of other travelers and the occasional clink of mugs and dishes. Tatsumi, feeling the strain of the day ease slightly in the cozy atmosphere, leaned back and glanced around.

The innkeeper, a burly man with a kind smile, approached their table. "What can I get for you folks tonight?" he asked, his voice warm and inviting.

Esdeath's gaze remained fixed on Tatsumi as she replied smoothly, "We'll take a round of ale and some of your finest stew. We've had a long day and could use a hearty meal."

The innkeeper nodded, taking note of their order. "Coming right up."

As the innkeeper walked away, Tatsumi's attention was drawn to a woman seated across the room. Her eyes were fixed with a mixture of curiosity and unease on Kurome's hip, where the Yatsufusa was sheathed. Tatsumi made a mental note of it and turned his attention back to Kurome, a hint of concern in his voice as he asked, "So, how are you feeling, Kurome?"

Kurome's eyes flickered with surprise at his unexpected question. Her usual aloofness seemed to falter for a moment. "I'm... fine... just a headache," she replied curtly, though her voice lacked its usual edge. "I'm managing."

Esdeath leaned slightly forward, her gaze steady and intense. "You should take better care of yourself, Kurome," she said smoothly. "You'll only be unable to fight if you continue like this." Her voice carried an undertone of genuine concern, but her eyes betrayed a touch of coldness.

Kurome tensed visibly, her face paling just a bit as Tatsumi noticed.

Esdeath's eyes lingered on Kurome for a moment before she stood up with graceful determination. "I'll go get us a room," she said, her tone brooking no argument. "You should rest properly. We've all had a long day."

Tatsumi observed Esdeath as she moved confidently towards the innkeeper, her back straight and her stride purposeful. He turned his attention back to Kurome, noticing the way she fidgeted slightly, her fingers gripping the edge of her seat. Her usual detachment seemed to be slipping, revealing a vulnerability he hadn't often seen in her.

Tatsumi could almost read the turmoil in her eyes. He had heard whispers about beings disposed of. He sighed softly and leaned closer, lowering his voice to a tone that was gentle yet firm. "You know, Kurome, you don't have to pretend to be okay."

Her eyes flickered up to meet his, and for a moment, the cold mask she wore wavered. "Why do you care?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Injuries and weakness are enemies meant to be hidden. If the Empire sees them, you'll be disposed of... like Remus."

Tatsumi's gaze was steady and firm. "Are we in the Empire right now?" he asked. "We're not surrounded by enemies or in war. You have until we return to get back to 100 percent. You don't have to keep up appearances here."

Kurome's fingers gripped the edge of the table tightly, her knuckles white. She stared down at her hands, her voice faltering. "But the General..." she began, but her words trailed off, uncertainty and a flicker of fear crossing her face.

Tatsumi leaned in slightly, his voice softening. "As long as you don't slow her down, you'll be fine. I doubt she'll care."

Before Kurome could respond, Esdeath returned with the room key. Her sharp gaze took in the scene, assessing the silent exchange between Tatsumi and Kurome with a mix of curiosity and impatience. "The room's ready," she announced, her voice edged with irritation. "Let's get some rest. We need to be ready for whatever comes next."

Tatsumi took the key from Esdeath, giving Kurome a final, reassuring nod. "Come on," he said gently, his voice filled with an earnest attempt to offer comfort. "Let's get settled."

They followed Esdeath to a room on the corner of the inn, near the main desk. The room was spacious and warm, the flickering light from a hearth casting a soft glow over the wooden furnishings. It had an inviting atmosphere, with thick rugs on the floor.

However, as Tatsumi and Kurome entered, their eyes fell on the single, large bed dominating the room. Tatsumi's eyes widened in surprise, and he shot Esdeath a dry expression. "One bed?" he asked, his tone a mix of disbelief and mild annoyance. "Was this a mistake, or do you have something in mind?"

Esdeath's lips curved into a small, amused smile as she closed the door behind them. "The inn was fully booked," she replied smoothly, her tone suggesting she found the situation more amusing than problematic. "We'll have to make do."

Tatsumi sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Great," he muttered under his breath. "Just great."

Kurome stood by the cupboard, the tension in her shoulders evident. "I can take the floor," she offered quietly, her voice barely audible.

Tatsumi shook his head firmly. "No, you need proper rest. You're not sleeping on the floor."

Esdeath's smile widened as she crossed the room, her presence commanding as always. "We can share," she suggested lightly, her eyes glinting with a hint of mischief as she glanced at Tatsumi. "It's not like you and I haven't been in close quarters before."

Tatsumi shot her a look, his expression a mix of exasperation and resignation. "Is this your attempt to give me Stockholm syndrome?" he muttered.

Esdeath's smile didn't waver. "Maybe, is it working?" she said, her voice dripping with amusem*nt. "We're comrades for now, whether you like it or not."

"I can sleep on the floor," Tatsumi offered, determined to find a middle ground.

"Denied," Esdeath swiftly replied, her tone leaving no room for argument. She turned her gaze to Kurome, her smile softening ever so slightly. "You get the final say, Kurome," Tatsumi said, turning to her with a gentle but insistent tone.

Kurome hesitated, her eyes flicking between Tatsumi and Esdeath. She knew what Esdeath wanted and feared the consequences of defying her. Finally, she let out a soft sigh, her resolve wavering. "Fine," she murmured, her voice steady despite her obvious discomfort. "We'll share the bed."

Esdeath's grin widened, clearly pleased with the arrangement. "See? It's not so bad. We're all allies tonight, after all."

As they settled into the room, the awkwardness of the situation was palpable. For some reason, Esdeath placed Tatsumi in the middle. Kurome looked at him with a cold expression, her eyes narrowing. "Try anything and I'll stab you," she warned, her voice low and threatening.

Tatsumi held up his hands in mock surrender. "I'm not planning anything, Kurome. Just trying to get some rest."

Esdeath laughed softly, the sound both light and chilling. "Relax, Kurome. Tatsumi's harmless. For now." She added the last part with a playful smirk, clearly enjoying the tension.

Kurome seemed to fall asleep quickly, her exhaustion catching up with her as she lay stiffly on her side of the bed. Tatsumi watched her for a moment before shooting Esdeath a questioning look, silently asking why she hadn't taken the middle position herself.

Esdeath caught Tatsumi's gaze and smirked, leaning in to whisper, "I knew you'd try to slip out of bed and sleep on the floor like you did at the palace. Besides," she added with a playful glint in her eyes, "It's rather amusing."

Tatsumi sighed, the realization dawning on him. "That was your whole plan, wasn't it?" he muttered, his voice a low murmur.

Esdeath didn't respond immediately, her smile widening as she settled more comfortably against him. Tatsumi's eyes darted to Kurome, who lay beside them, her breathing steady and deep. Her face was turned away, hidden partially by the dim light and the shadows cast by the flickering hearth.

Deciding to shift the conversation, Tatsumi spoke quietly, "Kurome is worried that you might dispose of her if she becomes a burden."

Esdeath's smirk faltered slightly, her expression growing contemplative. "As long as she stays strong she won't have to worry but should she become dead weight," she said casually as her voice then took on a cold tent, "I will have to get rid of her It's the harsh reality of survival"

Tatsumi's gaze hardened, his tone resolute. "Don't dispose of Kurome."

Esdeath's eyes narrowed, a dangerous edge creeping into her voice. "And if I do?"

"Then we'll be enemies," Tatsumi replied firmly. "I refuse to let that happen to Akame's sister."

Esdeath studied him for a long moment, her eyes glinting with a mix of curiosity and challenge. Suddenly, she moved with surprising agility, climbing on top of Tatsumi with a swift and graceful motion. She leaned in close, her breath warm against his ear. "If Kurome becomes weaker, will you be able to pick up the slack?" she whispered, her voice laced with both threat and intrigue.

Tatsumi met her gaze steadily, unwavering. "I will."

Esdeath's smile returned, this time with a genuine warmth that contrasted with her earlier coldness. "Then I won't dispose of her, even if she becomes a burden. You have my word."

Tatsumi nodded, feeling a mix of relief and unease. "Thank you," he said quietly, his eyes flicking to Kurome once more. "She deserves a chance."

Unbeknownst to them, Kurome lay with her back to them, her eyes wide open in the dim light. Her breathing was slow and steady, but her mind was a whirlwind of confusion and contemplation. The tiny blush on her cheeks, barely noticeable in the muted glow of the room, hinted at her internal struggle.

She mentally questioned Tatsumi's motives, her thoughts racing.What does he have to gain from being so kind to me?She recalled his previous acts of kindness, which seemed to defy the enmity between them.Why would he use the General's affection for him to protect me?The idea was perplexing, and Kurome found herself grappling with the possibility that Tatsumi's kindness might be driven by more than just altruism.

Esdeath's gaze remained fixed on Tatsumi, her eyes narrowing slightly with intrigue. "You're quite odd, Tatsumi," she murmured, her tone laced with amusem*nt. "Most people wouldn't go to such lengths for someone they consider an enemy."

Tatsumi's lips curved into a wry smile, though his eyes remained serious. "I'm not trying to win any awards for being a hero. It's just... personal. Akame has been dreading this fight for so long. I've seen her nearly break down because it was coming up. I'm 90% sure she would jump at the chance to spare Kurome. So, the least I can do is make sure she stays alive."

Esdeath's eyes flickered with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "So you're acting out of loyalty to Akame, rather than any personal conviction? How quaint." Her voice carried an edge, as if she were not entirely convinced by his explanation. "But I doubt that's all there is to it."

Tatsumi met her gaze steadily, his expression unwavering. "Maybe it's not. But that's all you're getting from me."

Esdeath studied him for a moment longer, her lips curling into a thoughtful smile. "Very well," she said, her tone softening. "I suppose I'll have to accept that." She shifted her position slightly, her eyes darting briefly toward Kurome, who lay with her back to them, her face hidden in the dim light. Kurome's breathing was steady, but the tiny flush on her cheeks betrayed her internal turmoil. Esdeath's gaze lingered for a moment, a glimmer of satisfaction in her eyes.

Kurome's mind was a storm of confusion. Her thoughts raced as she tried to make sense of the situation.Why would Tatsumi protect me?she wondered, her mind struggling to piece together the puzzle.What does he see in me that would make him risk his own safety and possibly anger the General?

She shifted slightly, trying to find a more comfortable position, but the questions continued to gnaw at her. The rustling of the bed as Tatsumi and Esdeath made themselves comfortable was a reminder of their close proximity.

As the night wore on, the dim light of the room cast long shadows, creating an atmosphere thick with unspoken tension. Kurome's thoughts were a tangled mess of doubt and curiosity.Is there a hidden agenda? Does he actually care... no, he doesn't. If he did, then why did Tatsumi betray the Jaegers?She felt a pang of frustration at her own inability to understand Tatsumi's motives.


Time skip brought to you by

Skyrim; The Revolutionary Dragon Of Evolution - Chapter 3 - Zearph (2)


It was the next morning, and Tatsumi was the first to awaken. The first rays of dawn filtered through the thin curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. He stirred from his uneasy slumber, stretching with a muffled yawn. He hadn't slept well; it felt like the first week Esdeath had kidnapped him all over again.

Esdeath was curled up against his side, her arms draped possessively over his chest. Her breath was warm against his neck, and she seemed at peace in her sleep. Tatsumi felt a pang of discomfort, not just from the physical closeness but because part of him had come to expect this from her. Despite their enmity, Esdeath had an unsettling way of insinuating herself into his personal space, making her presence inescapable even in sleep.

He glanced at Kurome, still asleep with her back turned to them. Her breathing was steady, but Tatsumi could sense the underlying tension even in her sleep. He tried to shift away gently, but Esdeath's hold tightened, a sleepy murmur escaping her lips.

"Don't go," she whispered, her voice drowsy yet insistent.

Tatsumi paused, a tiny blush appearing on his cheeks.What was that soft voice?He knew he had to extricate himself without disturbing her, but the more he moved, the more she seemed to cling to him. With a soft sigh, Tatsumi stopped resisting and remained still, his mind racing with thoughts of their next move. They would head to Whiterun, a major city in the province, later that day.

Eventually, Tatsumi decided to wake Esdeath. He placed a hand gently on her shoulder and shook her lightly. "Esdeath, it's time to get up."

Esdeath stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She blinked lazily at him before a playful smile spread across her face. "Good morning, Tatsumi. You seem uncomfortable. Did you not sleep well?"

Tatsumi forced a smile, trying to mask his irritation. "I didn't. It's hard to sleep when you're clinging to me."

Esdeath chuckled softly, stretching her arms above her head. "You should consider it a compliment. You know how many men and women would die to be in your position?"

Tatsumi raised an eyebrow, trying to hide his discomfort. "I'm not sure that's reassuring."

Esdeath's smile widened, her eyes twinkling with amusem*nt. "Ah, but it's true. My affection is a rare gift, after all."

Tatsumi tried to get up, but before he could, Esdeath's arms found their way back around him, pulling him close. "You're not getting away that easily," she murmured, her breath warm against his skin. "Besides, I want to know something."

"What's that?" Tatsumi asked, trying to sound indifferent as he shifted slightly in her embrace.

Esdeath's gaze grew thoughtful, her eyes locked onto his with a bit of jealousy in her gaze. "You mentioned a necklace yesterday. You said you learned to make a chain to give a gift to a girl. I'm curious—who was she?"

Tatsumi's eyes widened slightly, his thoughts momentarily derailed. "That's... not really something I want to talk about," he admitted honestly as Esdeath gazed at him.

Esdeath's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of curiosity mingled with her jealousy as she asked, "Was it your girlfriend from Night Raid? Mine, was it? Or someone else?"

Tatsumi stiffened at the mention of Mine's name. He hadn't expected her to bring it up, and the question struck a nerve. The briefest flicker of pain crossed his face before he managed to mask it with a calm expression. "It's not really about Mine," he said, trying to sound nonchalant. "It was someone from my past, before all this."

Esdeath's expression softened slightly, though the curiosity remained. "I see. So it's not something recent, then."

Tatsumi nodded, relieved by the shift in her tone. "Yeah, it's from before I joined Night Raid."

Esdeath tilted her head, her fingers brushing lightly against his chest as if trying to gauge his emotions. "You're quite guarded about this. Is there a reason?"

Tatsumi sighed, shifting a bit to ease the discomfort of her embrace. "It's just... it doesn't matter anymore... she's dead."

Esdeath's eyes grew cold, her voice tinged with an edge of challenge. "So, she was just too weak? Then she didn't deserve your affections?"

Tatsumi flinched at the harshness in her tone, his face tightening with a mixture of pain and anger. "She was someone I cared about," he said, struggling to keep his voice steady.

Esdeath's eyes remained cold, her expression one of indifferent curiosity. "The weak die, Tatsumi. It's the natural order. If she couldn't survive, then she simply wasn't strong enough to endure."

Tatsumi's mind raced with memories of Sayo, his childhood friend and first love. His anger flared, his eyes blazing with a rare intensity. He opened his mouth to retort, but before he could say anything, a soft voice interrupted the tension.

"Where are we going today?" Kurome's sleepy voice cut through the charged atmosphere, her question clearly an attempt to change the subject.

Both Tatsumi and Esdeath turned to look at her. Kurome was sitting up, rubbing her eyes and glancing between the two of them. The tension in the room seemed to dissipate slightly at her intervention. Kurome's voice was a lifeline, pulling Tatsumi back from the edge of his anger. He glanced at her, gratitude flickering in his eyes. Kurome met his gaze briefly, her own expression unreadable.

Tatsumi took a deep breath, grateful for the distraction. "We're heading to Whiterun," he said, his voice calmer as he shifted his attention to Kurome. "It's a major city in the province, so heading there should help us and we can complete Alvor's request."

Tatsumi took a deep breath, forcing himself to focus on the task ahead. Getting out of bed with a blank expression, he slipped on his boots. "I'm going to finish something," he said, walking out of the room, leaving Esdeath and Kurome behind.

Stepping outside, the crisp morning air greeted him, a welcome change from the tension indoors. Tatsumi walked towards the blacksmith shop, his expression a mixture of determination and lingering sorrow.

Esdeath watched him leave, her expression a mix of curiosity and frustration. She turned her attention to Kurome, who was now fully awake, her eyes alert.

"He's so stubborn," Esdeath murmured, half-amused, half-annoyed.

Kurome nodded slightly, her gaze distant. "He has a lot on his mind," she replied quietly.

Esdeath studied her for a moment, then shrugged. "Well, let's get ready. We have a long journey ahead of us."

Kurome nodded again and began to gather her things.

At the blacksmith's forge, Tatsumi set to work on making something to hold the golden mask. His hands moved with practiced precision despite the turmoil in his mind. Sayo's face flashed in his thoughts, and he clenched his fists, trying to push the painful memories away.

"I can't let her get to me," Tatsumi muttered to himself, gripping the tools more tightly. "I have to stay focused."

The forge was quiet in the early morning, the rhythmic clinking of metal and the crackle of the fire the only sounds. Tatsumi found a strange comfort in the routine of crafting, the familiar motions helping to steady his thoughts.

"You alright, lad?" a voice asked, breaking the silence.

Tatsumi turned to see Alvor, the village blacksmith, watching him with a concerned expression. The older man had a weathered, kindly face that spoke of years of hard work and wisdom.

"Yeah, just had a restless sleep," Tatsumi replied, trying to sound more composed than he felt.

Alvor studied Tatsumi for a moment, his brows furrowing. "Well, sometimes a good bit of work can help clear the mind," he said, patting Tatsumi on the shoulder. "Looks like you did a fine job with that holder."

Tatsumi managed a small smile as he adjusted the golden mask in its new holder. "Thanks, Alvor. I just needed to clear my head... once I'm done with this, I'll head out."

Alvor nodded approvingly. "Good to hear. And remember, you're always welcome here."

Tatsumi gave a nod of gratitude before turning back to his work. With the golden mask now securely placed, he felt a small sense of accomplishment. He took a moment to inspect his work, ensuring everything was in place.

As he turned to leave, Tatsumi was greeted by Esdeath and Kurome waiting at the edge of the square. Esdeath's arms were crossed, her eyes glinting with a mix of impatience and curiosity.

"Did you finish your task?" she asked, her voice edged with a hint of challenge.

Tatsumi nodded, holding up the holder for the golden mask. "It's done. We can head to Whiterun now."

Esdeath's smile widened, a blend of approval and intrigue on her face. "Good. Let's not waste any more time. I'm eager to see what else this land has to offer."

Kurome glanced at the holder, her gaze lingering on the golden mask before shifting back to Tatsumi. "Let's just head out," she said quietly.

"I'm heading to Whiterun now," Tatsumi informed Alvor, who nodded in response.

"Very well. Safe travels, lad, and thank you once again," the blacksmith said as Tatsumi stepped onto the road, putting on his gloves.

The trio exited Riverwood in silence. Tatsumi pulled out the Rongo Rongo, eyeing the distant peaks. "Hmm, it will take about seven hours," he murmured, the weight of their journey ahead pressing on him.

As Tatsumi, Esdeath, and Kurome made their way through the winding mountain path, the serene landscape gave way to rugged terrain. The path grew steeper, and the air turned colder, but the trio pressed on.

Kurome struggled to keep up, her movements becoming increasingly sluggish. She stumbled occasionally, her usually precise steps now unsteady. Tatsumi noticed the strain she was under. His concern was palpable, though he wrestled with his reluctance to offer help given their fraught history.Why do I care?he wondered, his thoughts a tangle of frustration and sympathy.She's been a thorn in my side, but... she is still an enemy of Night Raid and the one who took Chelsea's life.'Tatsumi thought, his expression filled with pain.

"But haven't you done the same to her comrades?"a deep voice suddenly echoed, causing Tatsumi to shiver. He glanced around, searching for the source of the voice, but found nothing, leaving him on edge.

The words repeated in his mind once more.

I already know... I know that I played a significant role in their deaths by providing Night Raid with information about them...

Esdeath walked ahead with a confident stride, casting occasional glances back. Her expression remained a mask of detachment, and she seemed oblivious to Kurome's worsening state, focused solely on the journey ahead.

As they approached a particularly narrow section of the road, the path took a sharp bend, leading them closer to the peak. Shadows cloaked the area, with jagged rocks jutting out ominously. A group of bandits, lying in wait, emerged from their hiding spots, eyes gleaming with malice.

"Hold it right there!" one of the bandits shouted, brandishing a rusty sword. "This is our territory. Hand over your valuables, or face the consequences!"

Tatsumi's eyes narrowed as he scanned the ragtag group of bandits blocking the path. His grip tightened on Incursio's hilt. "We don't have time for this," he muttered, stepping forward with a determined stride.

Esdeath's eyes glinted with a predatory shine, her lips curling into a smile that promised carnage. "Bandits, huh? How delightful," she said, her tone dripping with sad*stic amusem*nt. "Let's make quick work of them."

Without hesitation, Tatsumi surged forward, his movements a blur as he closed the distance between himself and the bandits. In a fluid motion, he drew Incursio and drove the blade into one bandit's neck. The bandit's eyes widened in shock before he crumpled to the ground, lifeless. Tatsumi yanked the sword free and, with a swift, practiced motion, hurled the corpse at another bandit, knocking him off balance.

Esdeath followed suit, her presence a storm of ruthless efficiency. With a flick of her wrist, her ice powers erupted in a blizzard of razor-sharp spikes, stabbing through the bandits with deadly precision. Her eyes remained cold and calculating as she surveyed the chaos. One bandit, brash and foolish enough to charge at her, met a swift end.

Esdeath seized him by the head, her fingers encasing his skull in a freezing grip. The bandit's screams turned to muffled gurgles as ice crystallized around him. With a chillingly casual flick, Esdeath shattered the ice with a brutal kick, sending shards of the frozen man flying.

Kurome, despite the exhaustion etched into her features, drew Yatsufusa with grim determination. She darted through the fray, her movements precise as she slashed through two bandits' throats. As she dispatched her latest victims, she drove Yatsufusa into the ground with a fierce thrust. The two corpses she had just felled shuddered and began to rise, their lifeless forms reanimated as grim puppets under her control.

Her breath came in ragged gasps, each exhale a testament to her diminishing strength.I can't fall behind. I have to keep up,she thought through the haze of pain. Her limbs felt heavier with every step, but she forced herself to maintain focus. The newly animated puppets, now under her command, lurched forward, their movements mechanical but deadly as they engaged the remaining bandits.

The last of the bandits fell, their numbers overwhelmed by the three teigu users. The clearing fell into a tense silence, broken only by the ragged breathing of the combatants.

Kurome collapsed to one knee, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Her once-pristine appearance was marred by sweat and the pallor of exhaustion. Tatsumi's gaze softened as he took in the scene. His heart pounded with a mix of concern and frustration.

"Kurome, are you alright?" Tatsumi's voice was laced with genuine concern, a rare softness cutting through his usual detachment.

Kurome looked up, her eyes hollow and weary. "I'm fine," she replied through gritted teeth, though her struggle was evident.I can't let him see me like this. I'm supposed to be strong.

Tatsumi hesitated before stepping closer. He reached out a hand to help her to her feet, the gesture cautious but sincere. His internal conflict was clear. He knew this could make things worse between them, but for some reason, he couldn't just ignore her suffering.

Esdeath, her demeanor unchanged, simply observed the exchange with a cold, indifferent expression. "We don't have all day," she said, her tone carrying no trace of concern for Kurome's condition. "Let's move."

Tatsumi offered Kurome a steadying hand as she struggled to stand. "You should take it easy," he said quietly, just loud enough for her to hear. "You're pushing yourself too hard."

Kurome gritted her teeth, pushing herself upright with visible effort. "I'll be fine," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes met Tatsumi's, a mix of defiance and fatigue in her gaze.He's right, but I can't afford to slow down. Not now.

Tatsumi nodded but stayed close, ready to catch her if she collapsed. Akame's warnings about withdrawal symptoms echoed in his mind, and he knew an extremely bad episode might be coming.

"Aw, how adorable... Iwonder what Chelsea would think of this?"Tatsumi hears the deep guttural voice in his head that makes him frown.


Time skip brought to you by

Skyrim; The Revolutionary Dragon Of Evolution - Chapter 3 - Zearph (3)

It does feel like that.


As the group finally reached the summit of the mountain, Tatsumi peered through the trees to behold the city of Whiterun. The sight was breathtaking—the city sprawled below, its protective walls encircling a bustling expanse of homes and streets. The ancient city, founded by Jeek of the River approximately 7000 years ago, was centered around what was once a sacred flame, now known as the Skyforge.

Skyrim; The Revolutionary Dragon Of Evolution - Chapter 3 - Zearph (4)

(best image I could find)

Tatsumi read up on the history of Whiterun. This ancient city, built by Jeek of the River approximately 7000 years ago during the Merethic Era, was centered around a flame that has now transformed into the place known as the Skyforge. "Well, no use walking down the path," Tatsumi decided, opting for a more direct descent. With a graceful leap, he began making his way down the mountain, marveling at the vibrant array of trees and flowers lining his route.

Esdeath followed closely, her eyes gleaming with interest as she took in the landscape. "Such a beautiful place," she mused. "It almost makes me want to conquer it."

Kurome, despite her weariness, maintained her stoic expression. "Let's just get this over with," she muttered.

As they neared the grand city, the sounds of battle reached their ears. Tatsumi's curiosity was piqued, and he directed his gaze toward the commotion. A trio was engaged in combat with a colossal humanoid monster on a nearby farm. Esdeath's eyes gleamed with interest, while Kurome's expression was one of stoicism.

Esdeath chuckled softly, her gaze fixed on the battle. "Looks like some local trouble. Should we intervene, Tatsumi?"

Tatsumi assessed the situation, noting that the trio seemed to have the monster well in hand. "No need," he replied. "Let's continue. They've got it under control."

Esdeath nodded, a satisfied smile on her lips. "As you say."

As they reached the main road leading to the city gates, a voice called out to him. "Well, that's taken care of, no thanks to you," a girl's voice remarked, tinged with annoyance. Tatsumi turned to see a young warrior, Aela, standing with her Shield-Brothers, watching him with a mixture of disdain and curiosity.

"You didn't require my assistance," Tatsumi replied calmly, his tone indifferent. "I have a mission to fulfill."

Aela's eyes flashed with a mix of pride and frustration. "Indeed, we had the situation well in hand. But a true warrior would have relished the opportunity to face a giant. That's why I am here with my Shield-Brothers."

Tatsumi's stoic expression remained unchanged. "I am not a warrior. I've seen enough bloodshed to last a lifetime. Farewell," he said bluntly before continuing towards the gate. Aela's words were lost on him; he had more pressing matters at hand.

Esdeath looked down at him "see we should have helped and we could have avoided all of that." She says with an amused expression on her face.

As the assassin approached the city gates, he noticed the guards stationed there in a type of yellow chainmail and cloth armor. 'Their combat experience is low,' Tatsumi thought but shrugged. What could he expect from guards? Tatsumi walked up to the gate, but the guard stopped him.

"Halt! City's closed with dragons about. Official business only," the guard told the group as esdeath looked surprised as she took a step forward as she looked down at the guard.

"I have news from Helgen about the dragon attack." she told the guard, who looked at her a bit surprised.

"Fine, You better go on in. You'll find the Jarl at Dragonsreach, atop the hill, but we'll be keeping an eye on you," the Whiterun guard advised the group as he walked to the gate handle and unlocked it. Once the assassin headed inside, he was treated to the look of the city.

Skyrim; The Revolutionary Dragon Of Evolution - Chapter 3 - Zearph (5)

'This is a refreshing change compared to the Empire,' the brunette assassin mused as they passed by a blacksmith.

Esdeath strolled beside Tatsumi, her eyes scanning the bustling market area with a mix of curiosity and calculation. "So, this is Whiterun. It seems... quaint."

Kurome, walking a bit behind, glanced around warily. "We should stay focused. We don't know what we might encounter here."

Tatsumi nodded. "Let's head to Dragonsreach. The sooner we speak to the Jarl, the better."

As they ascended the steps towards the palace, Tatsumi recalled the information he had read about Dragonsreach—a magnificent structure built during the Merethic Era and expanded upon by Olaf One-Eye in the First Era, specifically to capture the dragon known as Numinex on its grand porch.

Finally reaching the top of the steps, the group took a moment to admire the breathtaking view of Whiterun below. "Thats surprisingly nice..." Tatsumi admitted as he then turned his attention towards the palace doors and made his way inside.

"Halt! The Jarl is not receiving any visitors," a Whiterun guard informed Tatsumi as he looked at him.

"I have news about a dragon attack, and Riverwood might be in grave danger," Tatsumi explained once again to the guard, who took a moment to process the information before nodding.

"Very well, the Jarl will want to see you personally." Tatsumi opened the palace doors and they all entered, Tatsumi spotting the Jarl engaged in a meeting.

As he approached, a dark elf with ashen skin and a drawn sword confronted him. "What is the meaning of this interruption? Jarl Balgruuf is not entertaining any visitors," she demanded. Tatsumi subtly adjusted his stance, prepared to defend himself if necessary.

"Alvor sent me. Riverwood is under threat," Tatsumi calmly stated, but the dark elf remained wary, refusing to lower her guard.

"As Housecarl, it is my duty to address any dangers that threaten the Jarl or his people. You have my attention. Now, explain yourself," she demanded once more. Tatsumi felt a hint of annoyance but remained composed.

"A dragon has laid waste to Helgen," he bluntly revealed, knowing that the Jarl could hear him and would undoubtedly want to discuss the matter further.

"You know about Helgen? The Jarl will want to speak with you personally. Approach," the dark elf informed, keeping her sword unsheathed. Tatsumi rolled his eyes and made his way toward the Jarl, who began speaking.

"And you're sure Helgen was destroyed by a dragon? This wasn't some Stormcloak raid gone wrong?" the Jarl inquired, while Tatsumi nodded, tossing Balgruuf the scale he got from the black dragon.

"I did indeed fight this dragon, and if you require further proof, here is a scale from it," he stated, presenting the scale to the Jarl, who examined it closely. "Also, could you kindly ask your 'Housecarl' to remove her sword from the back of my neck?" Tatsumi added, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Irileth, stand down!" Balgruuf commanded, causing her to reluctantly step away. Her eyes widened as she noticed Incursio in Tatsumi's hand, pointed toward her stomach, ready to stab her and behind her was Kurome with Yatsufusa at her neck.

Esdeath watched this all with a smirk. The jarl then looked at the group. "I apologize for that. This scale from an unknown creature certainly adds credibility to your claim. So, why have you come here?" the jarl asked Tatsumi, who sheathed Incursio behind him once more.

"With the dragon threat looming, Alvor fears that Riverwood may be the next target. I witnessed it heading in this direction," Tatsumi replied bluntly, subtly manipulating the situation.

Esdeath stepped forward, her authoritative tone cutting through the room. "Your people are in danger, Jarl. Immediate action is necessary. Waiting will only bring more destruction." she says despite her words it seems from her eyes she was only putting on pleasantries to get the desired goal.

"By Ysmir, Irileth was correct! What do you say now, Proventus? Should we continue to rely solely on our walls against a dragon?" Balgruuf swiftly questioned his advisors.

"My lord, we must send troops to Riverwood immediately. It is in the gravest danger, especially if the dragon is lurking in the mountains..." Irileth suggested, and Tatsumi was pleased to see his manipulation taking effect.

"The Jarl of Falkreath will interpret that as a provocation! He will assume we are preparing to side with Ulfric and attack him! We should not–" Proventus began to argue, but Balgruuf interrupted him.

"Enough! I refuse to stand idly by while a dragon ravages my hold and mercilessly slaughters my people! Irileth, immediately send a detachment to Riverwood," the jarl exclaims passionately, and Irileth nods in agreement.

"Yes, my Jarl," she responds dutifully before walking away. Proventus then speaks up, "If you'll excuse me, I'll return to my duties," and walks off. The Jarl acknowledges his departure with a nod and says, "That would be best."

Balgruuf turns his attention to Tatsumi and commends him, "Well done. You all sought me out on your own initiative, and you've done Whiterun a great service. I won't forget it. Here, take this as a small token of my appreciation." He hands Esdeath a bag filled with a generous amount of gold, which she accepts.

Esdeath weighed the bag of gold in her hand with a smirk, appreciating the weight of the reward. "Thank you, Jarl Balgruuf," she said, her voice smooth and respectful, yet her eyes twinkled with amusem*nt.

"its a small price to pay for having the necessary info, may I ask your names?" Balgruff asks as Tatsumi steps forward

"I'm Tatsumi, just a traveler, and blacksmith," he says as Esdeath glances at Balgruff with a casual expression

"Esdeath, and this is my subordinate Kurome." She says with a superficial tone of respect.

Kurome, standing beside Tatsumi, kept her gaze on the Jarl. "Is there anything else we should be aware of, Jarl?" she asked, her voice cold and detached, but her eyes flickered with a hint of curiosity.

The Jarl pondered for a moment before continuing, "There is another task that you could assist me with, one that suits your particular talents." He looked at the group, who nodded in agreement, realizing that they needed to familiarize themselves with this land in order to plan their return.

"Sure, I'll be happy to help," Tatsumi responded, prompting Balgruuf to stand up with a smile.

"Then come, let's go find Farengar, my court wizard. He has been investigating matters related to these dragons and the rumors surrounding them," the Jarl explained as he led Tatsumi, Kurome, and Esdeath into a side room where they encountered a man in a blue robe.

"Farengar, I believe I have found someone who can assist you with your dragon research. Please provide them with all the necessary information," Balgruuf instructed Farengar, who looked at the group with interest.

"So, the Jarl believes you can be of use to me? Ah, yes, he must be referring to my research on dragons. I could indeed use someone to retrieve an item for me," Farengar explained. He paused for a moment before continuing, "Well, when I say retrieve, I actually mean explore a perilous ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may or may not exist."

"What does this task have to do with dragons?" Tatsumi asks, genuinely intrigued as he may find info on what to do about his ....situation.

"Ah, no mere brute mercenary, but a thinker -- perhaps even a scholar? You see, when the stories of dragons began to circulate, many dismissed them as mere fantasies, rumors. Impossibilities. One sure mark of a fool is to dismiss anything that falls outside his experience as being impossible." Tatsumi listened intently. "But I began to search for information about dragons; where had they gone all those years ago? And where were they coming from? And this leads me to Bleak Falls Barrow, looking for the dragon stone," he explains.

Esdeath stepped forward, her authoritative presence filling the room. "Get to the point, wizard. What do you need us to find?"

Farengar blinked at the interruption but quickly composed himself. "I need you to retrieve a stone tablet from Bleak Falls Barrow, known as the 'Dragonstone.' It's said to contain a map of dragon burial sites. This information is crucial to understanding the recent dragon activity."

Tatsumi nodded thoughtfully. "So, what exactly do you need us to do?" he inquired, wanting to get this over with.

"Go to Bleak Falls Barrow, find this tablet -- no doubt in the main chamber -- and bring it to me. Simplicity itself," Farengar explained, clearly pleased with himself.

Kurome, who had been silent up to this point, spoke up. "And what makes you think this tablet will be there? We've seen no evidence that such a thing even exists," she said, her tone skeptical.

Farengar shrugged. "It's a risk, I admit, but one worth taking. The legends are consistent, and if the tablet does exist, it will be in Bleak Falls Barrow. This is a priority now. Anything we can use to fight this dragon, or dragons. We need it, quickly. Before it's too late." he says seriously as Jarl Balgruuf turns to them

"Succeed at this, and you'll be rewarded. Whiterun will be in your debt," he says Tatsumi glanced at Esdeath and Kurome, who both nodded in agreement.

"Alright then, we'll head to Bleak Falls Barrow and retrieve the Dragonstone for you," Tatsumi stated, turning to leave the room, Drawing out Rongo Rongo, he began to search for any information on Bleak Falls Barrow. Esdeath and Kurome followed, their expressions casual as they prepared for the task ahead.

As they exited the keep, Esdeath glanced at Tatsumi with a sly smile. "This should be interesting. A chance to stretch our legs and test our skills in this new land."

Kurome merely nodded, her mind already focused on the task ahead. "Let's get this done quickly," she said, her voice emotionless.



1: I'm also doing something fun with Kurome and Tatsumi's character, with him being confused by his own actions and his instinctual feeling to protect her a tiny hint; it has an actual reason, what effect would Tatsumi bonding with Kurome do to his mental state?


That was chapter 3 of the Skyrim story! I hope you all liked it, and tell me what you think of it as I desire to grow as a writer and this is the only way for me to grow.

Next:Ch.4 Kill The Bleak Falls Barrow

Word count: 8769


Skyrim; The Revolutionary Dragon Of Evolution - Chapter 3 - Zearph (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.